Friday, April 14, 2006

Antioxidants for better vision

. Friday, April 14, 2006

Question : I HAVE an elderly friend who is suffering from macular degeneration. Is it possible to decrease the risk of further advance in the condition?

Answer : AGE-RELATED macular degeneration is a chronic eye disease that occurs when the tissue of the macula deteriorates. The macula is a part of retina responsible for the central vision.

Anthocyanidin in bilberry extract has been shown to hasten the regeneration of rhodopsin (a light-sensitive pigment found in the rods of the retina) and improve visual acuity in dim light.

Eyebright helps relieve conjunctivitis, itchy and irritated eyes. Spinach contains a high amount of lutein, which is particularly important because it is absorbed from foods and transported in relatively large quantities to the macula and the lens of the eye.

As a source of carotenoid, lycium helps improve night version and blurred vision. These antioxidants may lower the risk of macular degeneration and probably cataracts, and might prevent advancement in people who have mild to moderate eye disorders.

Other antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins C and E, selenium and beta-carotene can also prevent oxidative damage to tissue such as the retina.

Plenty of leafy green vegetables and fruits in a low-fat diet will help promote good retinal health. Wear sunglasses that block out harmful ultraviolet light. Stop smoking and avoid alcohol consumption.

Your friend should get regular eye exams and have his vision screened by a doctor regularly.

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